Friday, March 21, 2008

Open Your Eyes

Sedona, Arizona........just do yourself a favor and buy a plane ticket and see it for yourself. I saw it for the first time last year and it truly made me cry. It was just a steady stream of "Oh My God" coming out of my mouth as well as Sharlyn's - my travel partner - we just could not process all of that mind bending beauty. God is most definitely in Sedona. I will be there again three weeks from tomorrow. I am so blessed. This is what I am sharing with you today because my digital camera is having a small problem that I hope to get resolved tomorrow. Since I started this project my car has broken down, my washer stopped working and now my camera. What has occurred to me is that we take so many things for granted. We have so many modern day luxuries in this country. Instead of being frustrated by these inconveniences I have used it as an opportunity to cultivate an even deeper sense of gratitude for all that I do have. It is so easy to look at what we don't have but there is no joy in that. It is okay to have a vision for more in your life, whatever more looks like to you but the ONLY way to get there is through gratitude for what you have now. Right now. This very moment. Look around and just start making the mental list of all that you have. A computer to read this on, clothes on your back, food in your belly and the comfort of knowing you can eat again today and you will not go to bed hungry - the list could go on and on but you see where I am headed. There is so much to be grateful for and we so easily overlook it. My daughter Heidi and I noticed a cemetary this week that we had never seen. It is behind some trees and slightly elevated from the road. I have lived in this place nearly 40 years and my daughter has lived here for 14 and we NEVER, EVER saw this cemetary and we have driven by it many times a week for a long, long, long time. What struck me about this is that we are so busy looking right in front of us that we don't see what is just beyond that. It blows my mind to think that we get so used to seeing things a certain way that we might not even see what is really there. I see this as a sign of two things. One: If you think there is nothing to be grateful for just open your eyes, take another look - you might be missing the obvious and Two: Expand your vision. Look beyond what you can even see with your eyes. Know that just because you can't see it doesn't mean it is not there. So imagine me now driving down the same road I have been down many days a week for my entire life and now I see something that has always been there but I didn't, couldn't or wouldn't see it. I look up and it reminds me that even when we don't think we are seeing God it doesn't mean that God is not there. Open your eyes. God is EVERYWHERE.

Trust that you have everything you need,


Quote of the Day: As powerful as you are....whose day are you going to make today? Mike Dooley

P.S. What are you waiting for? Go book that flight to Sedona. Just do it.

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