Dear friends,
Welcome to what I know will be a very inspiring and exciting adventure. I am so glad you are here. I first want to be clear about this blog and the upcoming movie - "Where is God?" - the hope is to inspire others to ask this question to themselves and search for their own answers. The intention is to spread love and joy as far as possible. I am a fellow seeker on the path not someone claiming to have the answers. I have been a seeker as long as I can remember, asking big questions and looking for the answers. I can only share with you my own experience and that of others who are willing to join in this project. It is meant to be uplifting and thought provoking. If God is not a word you feel comfortable with then feel free to replace it with any word that works for you - The Divine, The Universe, Spirit, Mother Nature - it doesn't matter one iota. I love the word God so I use it.
What I want to share with you is how this project got started. In May of 2007 I attended The Revelation. This is an annual conference with Dr. Michael Beckwith, leader of the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. I had no idea that weekend would change the course of my entire life. One of the speakers during that weekend was James Arthur Ray. He is a dynamic and engaging speaker and I was familiar with his work. He said something during his talk that really struck me. It was this: "In a study of the religious, 90% (including clergy) said they had not had a direct experience of God." I knew I had just heard something important but I did not know why. For weeks after that I kept hearing that statement over and over in my mind. What did that mean exactly? What was a direct experience of God? Have I ever had one? Could it be possible that these people were having an experience of God and did not know it? How could people that we look to as authorities on God not have any direct experience of God? The questions went on and on. I did not have answers but I pondered this every single day. Several weeks after the conference I was doing my meditation and I suddenly saw all kinds of people holding up signs with letters on them. The people were young and old and represented all cultures. The scene was kind of foggy and the letters were scrambled but as I looked closer and the people started arranging themselves in a certain way, I began to see a word forming. The word was EVERYWHERE. In an instant I saw this scene as the ending to a movie. I saw the word EVERYWHERE as the answer to the question "Where is God?". This all happened in a flash. It was instantaneous and it can best be described as pure inspiration coming directly from God because there is no way I would have thought of this with my own mind. I have no experience making films. I have steered clear of technology as much as possible in this modern world. I have questioned and wondered about God all of my life and in no way would I have ever thought I had something of value to share on such a vast and infinite subject. What I have learned since that moment last summer is that when an idea is given to you by God you can resist and turn away and try to avoid it but it will come back over and over until you have no choice but to listen or go crazy. That is what has been happening for months. Do I really have free will??? If you could hear my inner dialogue it would go something like this: Why me? What if people think I am saying I have the answers when in reality I know nothing? What if they write me mean e-mails? What if the intention is misunderstood? What if people laugh at me? What if my family thinks I have taken the ultimate plunge into craziness? What if I lose all of my friends? I have received no answers to these questions and I think the reason is that God has no time to entertain my nonsense. While the voices were going off I was still able to read "
This Thing Called You" by Ernest Holmes and I received confirmation of what I was envisioning for this project. I read the following - "...there is no place where you leave off and God begins." I could feel something lift up inside of me as I recognized the truth of his words deep in my being. I thought back to the study of the religious and realized that we are indeed experiencing God in every moment. There is no place where I am that God isn't. If someone is not experiencing God it is not because God isn't there. God is in the joy and the grief, the well and the sick, the rich and the poor. If we can resist the urge to label everything as good or bad we will begin to see that God is always there. If we look back over our own lives we often see that what seemed to be an overwhelming obstacle became one of our greatest gifts. As I have come to understand that there are no accidents in this universe I have been able to let go of trying to control all the details of my life. I now see everything as perfect for my learning at that particular time. This has allowed me to be in the flow of life and to trust God. So............I am taking the plunge into this project and I am nervous and thrilled and overwhelmed all wrapped into one little bundle. I want to use this blog as well as the videos I will post on You Tube to share with you what I have found so far and what I continue to discover. It is my intention to spread love and joy and inspiration as far as possible. I have found that it is really quite simple. I have been given an inspired idea and I have a choice - act or not. It occurred to me earlier this week that this idea is truly beautiful and if I do not take some immediate action the idea will move on into another person's conciousness and I will find myself saying in the future..."Hey, that was my idea!" When in reality I have been offered the opportunity to take action on an inspired idea but the idea itself does not belong to me.
What you are reading is the result of my decision to take big, bold, immediate action. I am trusting that everything is already being arranged for this idea to become real. Starting Monday, March 17, 2008 I will be going out into the world everyday for 40 days and looking for people and images and stories that reveal the truth that God is right where I am and right where you are in every moment. The key lies in our awareness. Each day I will document and photograph what I find. I am so excited and I can hardly wait until Monday. When the 40 days have passed the material will be edited onto a DVD which will enable this material to travel the globe. I know this is something I have to do and if you are reading this right now please know that it is no accident and ask yourself how you can be a part of this amazing adventure. If you have something to share please e-mail me at I look forward to hearing from you. I am excited and scared which I hear is exactly how these divine ideas work. So here I go........I invite you to come along with me.
With Great Love and Extravagant Blessings,
P.S. I would like to thank some people I have never met but have influenced me greatly and mentored me day after day with their books, blogs, websites, audio tapes, seminars etc. They are Joe Vitale, Dr. Hew Len, Michael Beckwith, James Arthur Ray, Bill Harris, Pat O'Bryan, Ernest Holmes, Dr. Sue Morter, Iyanla Vanzant, Jack Canfield, Janet Atwood, Chris Atwood,Dr. Barbara King, Rev. Deborah Johnson, Mike Dooley, Lisa Nichols and last but certainly not least the comforting, inspiring and uplifting music of Ester Nicholson, Nicki Harris and Rickie Byars Beckwith.
P.P.S. Did I forget to say Thank you God????? THANK YOU GOD. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.